Points to Ponder    Number 29   17th January, 2015

I believe there is a bias against and a double-standard in everything connected to Israel throughout the world, fueled by the often spurious media. The events in France last week have highlighted that anti-Israel anti-Semitic double-standard bias.  

On the one hand we are told that despite the fact that almost all the terror attacks over the last decade, whether in the EU, the UK, the USA, Nigeria, Pakistan and so on and so on, have been done in the name of Allah, often quoting chapter and verse from the Quran or the life of Mohammed, Islam is a peaceful religion and Moslems as a group cannot be held responsible for the actions of the “fanatics” and should be protected and never profiled.

On the other hand we are told that terrorism against Jews worldwide, with no exceptions, is acceptable and understandable because of the actions, often falsely reported, attributed to Israel in her attempt to protect her citizens from the same terrorism now threatening the complacent western world.

Jewish synagogues and other institutions throughout the world are attacked and Jews are murdered, maimed and fearful of wearing the Star of David or head covering but the politically correct western world calls for protection for the Moslem communities who are leading the anti-Semitic rampage. 

Millions demonstrated in France because a dozen cartoonist/journalists were murdered by “fanatic terrorists”, an atrocity which many, Moslems and non-Moslems alike, inanely excuse, or worse still justify, because it offends Moslems when Mohamed is insulted!! Imagine if every offended person took a gun, a knife, a machete to avenge being offended. Imagine if supporters of PM Netanyahu went on a rampage against Arabs because they were offended by the PA cartoon showing the PM as Nazi SS officer.

Not one felt the need to demonstrate when a young Jewish boy was tortured for days and his partially burnt but still live body was thrown on the railway tracks in France, when four Jews, including three children, were killed at a Jewish day school in Toulouse, when four were killed at the Jewish Museum in Brussels or when four elderly Jews were butchered while at prayers in their synagogue in Jerusalem by those same “fanatic terrorists”.

Because being politically correct is so intent on not calling a spade a spade it has taken until now to actually use the “t” word – terrorism.  How long will it take to admit that more than 90% of the atrocities in the world are perpetrated in the name of Allah?  And if that is not in the name of Islam what is?

This outpouring of solidarity has revealed the darker side of the double standard and hypocrisy of the politically correct western world which refuses to use the “M” or “I” words – Moslem and Islam.  In a world where “proportionately” is bandied about so freely, the death of a dozen French journalists obviously far outweighs hundreds of kidnapped Nigerian school girls, thousands of Nigerians butchered by Boko Haram, innumerable Christians persecuted and killed throughout the Middle East including those living in the PA and Hamas controlled areas and the forced eviction and murder of the Yazidis to mention but a few.

Also in the name of “proportionately”, the politically correct western world turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed by Moslems against one another, all in the name of different brands of Islam, whether in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Pakistan, where thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands are refugees, but jumps to attention when a new building is built in “east” Jerusalem or Judah and Samaria, as the West Bank was known by all till the mid 1970’s.

Some basic information about is Islam is available in an article I wrote and which can be viewed on my site.

This article in not sufficient for every self-respecting politician, professor, lecturer, journalist, columnist, TV anchor, reporter and demonstrator pontificating about Islam, the “religion of peace”.  Before holding forth they are obligated to learn about Islam from the source, the Quran, the Hadith and the life of Mohammed. They need to familiarize themselves with the texts used by all strains of Islamic terrorists justifying their actions. They need to study what imams are preaching in mosques all over the world before opening their mouths or using their pens to spew politically correct inanities.

 Finally, the cherry on the top. In the wake of the terrible events of the past weeks in France and the heart-rending events all over the world, the President of France and the US Secretary of State have just met. The main item on their agenda? To press forward with their pressure on PM Netanyahu to concede to Abbas’s demand for a withdrawal to pre-1967 borders, something which, by international law, never existed. But there-in lies another tale.