Points to Ponder   Number 22    29th October, 2014


Points to Ponder: Children as human shields and cannon fodder; militant Islam incitement to violence and Bibi – chicken shit.


Point to Ponder: Rather than condemn the Palestinian use of children as human shields and cannon fodder the international community, the media, human rights groups and the UN prefer to censure Israel for detaining these minors.

Not only do Hamas, Fatah and the PA leadership incite children to violence they also reward the families, who obviously are less inclined to stop their children from risking their lives. On the contrary, should a child be hurt, or God forbid, die in these stone-throwing attacks their families revel joyously in their status as ‘shaheed’, martyr.

As Palestinian journalist Khaled Abu Toameh writes, if the Palestinian leadership wants an intifada it is they who should be the first to go out and confront Israeli policemen and soldiers. Those who encourage and permit children to take part in violence should be held accountable, not only by Israel but by their own people.

Read Toameh’s article in full.


Point to Ponder: Does PA President Abbas, now in his tenth year of a four year term as president, considered by all to be a moderate with whom Israeli PM Netanyahu should negotiate, incite to violence?

Apparently the answer is yes. And the proof comes from none other than the Palestinian Authority TV itself. Nineteen times in three days they have broadcast a speech by Abbas in which he implicitly calls for Jerusalem’s Arabs to use violence against Israelis. Expressions like “in any way” and “using all means” are common euphemisms for violence and terror.

In large-scale riots the terrorists/activists/militants, whether in Israel or elsewhere in the Moslem world, all cover their faces with a kefiyah to avoid being identified. Abbas’ Fatah, on its Facebook page, has recommended “you should all wear black clothes so that the occupation forces cannot identify young people by the color of their clothes and arrest them later.”

Is it merely coincidence that attacks on non-Moslem visitors to the Temple Mount and rioting elsewhere in Jerusalem have increased; that a terrorist killed a baby and a young woman in what was clearly, thanks to surveillance cameras, a deliberate act?

Although the free, politically correct world is unwilling to acknowledge it, this same incitement is preached in many mosques around the world, against the ‘infidel (kafir)’, the ‘Crusader (Christian)’, the ‘American Satan’ and goodness know who else, resulting in ‘work accidents’ as at Fort Hood, the beheading of a soldier in England, the killing of a soldier in Canada and the axing in America.

See the full article and the video clip.


Point to Ponder: Is this for real? Breaking news from Jeffrey Goldberg, columnist and White House mouthpiece – Senior U.S. official calls PM Benjamin Netanyahu “a chicken shit”. Apparently this was deemed a suitable response to the PM’s decision to go ahead with building new homes in Jerusalem, surprisingly for both its Jewish and Arab residents.

This seems to prove what Goldberg says about the Israeli PM when he asserted that: “Netanyahu’s policies are based on the formula, ‘The whole world is against us. Only we can protect Israel from what’s coming.’”.

Time and time again we see the evidence and we know from bitter experience that we cannot rely on UN organizations in any of their manifestations to watch out for Israel’s safety or rights. It began with the UN blind eye to the Jordanian desecration of the Jewish cemetery on Mount Olives which the UN was supposed to protect from 1948 onwards and hasn’t ended yet with the proven use of UNRWA schools as military bases for Hamas.

As for the debt ‘ungrateful’ Israel owes to President Obama/the USA for the bountiful supply of weaponry let us be clear. The American military industry has the edge over its competitors largely due to innovations and improvements initiated by the Israelis, many after real live testing in the air and on the battlefield.

Furthermore, manufacturing the military goodies which Israel purchases prevents the thousands upon thousands of Americans working to produce them from joining the US unemployment statistics.

