Holocaust Memorial Day, 2nd May, 2019

Holocaust Denial

Holocaust denial is part of the strategy used by those who attack Israel / Zionism / Jews and it is used by those deliberately straying from the truth and their followers, who, through ignorance or inherent anti-Semitism, don’t bother to check the facts.

The tactic is multi-faceted and can embrace any of the following claims:

1) The holocaust never happened at all (as claimed by Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Maazen, in his doctorate dissertation).

2) The number of Jews who perished was nowhere near the six million as claimed in historical sources. Maybe only two million were slaughtered.

3) Paradoxically, the holocaust never happened, but if it did the Jews brought it on themselves.

4) Also paradoxically, the holocaust never happened, but today the Israelis / Jews are acting like the Nazis in their treatment of the Palestinians.

5) Jews / Israelis exaggerate the details of the holocaust in order to gain sympathy.

The fact is that more than six million Jews were slaughtered during WWII. Some perished in gas chambers and crematoria the existence of which is not disputed. The tangible evidence is there for all to see. Every day there are people visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.  

Many more starved to death in concentration “work” camps such as Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Sachsenhausen and Theresinshtadt, which also can be and are visited today.

And then there are the hundreds of thousands, if not more, who were rounded up and massacred by the Nazis, the Germans and their local collaborators throughout both western and Eastern Europe. Places like Babi Yaar in the Ukraine, Jedwabne in Poland, the Danube River in Budapest, all documented by local witnesses and occasionally by survivors.

How can we know all the numbers and data are accurate? There are innumerable photographs and movies taken by the perpetrators themselves or by the liberators of the camps. There are the testimonies which include authentic documentary evidence given during the post-war trials of war criminals, whether the Nuremberg trials or others held throughout Europe.

Undoubtedly it is easier to trust numbers and data when their source is German Nazi documentation. The following two examples should be enough to convince those genuinely seeking the truth. 

The minutes of the Wannsee Conference, a meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and SS leaders, held in Berlin on 20 January 1942, were carefully recorded by Adolf Eichman and later used by the BBC to produce a documentary.

The purpose of the conference, called by Reinhard Heydrich, was to expedite the implementation of the Final solution to the Jewish question. According to the list compiled by Heydrich, which stated the Jewish population country by country, there were approximately eleven million Jews in the whole of Europe including Russia. At the end of the war there were less than five million, mainly in Russia, which, as we know, the Germans did not conquer. More than 90% of the Jews of Poland perished. Most of their possessions and property were seized by their neighbours, as was done throughout Europe including France and Holland.

The second example is the forty seven million (47,000,000) German documents found neatly preserved with German precision in Bad Arolsen? “Most of the documents were drawn up by the Nazis themselves,” said Reto Meister, the Swiss Red Cross official now in charge of the files which have been opened to the public by the 11-nation governing commission of the International Tracing Service (ITS) of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

In addition to being accessible on line, digital copies are available at Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and the National Institute of Remembrance in Warsaw.

Not only are there details of the gas chambers, the crematoria and the concentration camps, even many of the names of the inmates who perished in each one are actually preserved on index cards. Victims of forced labour are also recorded. This has assisted survivors and descendants to verify the exact date of death of their loved ones enabling them to have a specific date of remembrance rather than the general Holocaust Memorial day and is also important for those friends and family members still searching for those unaccounted for after the war.

Meister also sees the files as the most potent answer to Holocaust deniers: “Anyone who wants to minimize the Holocaust should come here. We’ll show him documents by the million.”  The “overwhelming scale” of the card index, Meister said, was more persuasive than any debate.

So, before you query the veracity of the holocaust, define yourself – are you a deliberate falsifier of the facts, an inherent anti-Semite or simply ignorant of the real facts?